Black Hawk Protection & Investigation


Integrity. Experience. Dedication.


Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland with satellite offices across the State of Maryland, Black Hawk represents a wide variety of clients. Black Hawk Protection & Investigations is not your typical security agency, in fact we try very hard not to be.  We have seen and dealt with some of the issues which plague our industry – and we’ve come up with some innovative solutions to those issues.  Our use of technology, our concern for our employees, and career paths for security officers have proven to be successful in creating a unique environment allowing us to provide superior service.  A quick tour of our website will show you just how different we are.


Get in touch

We at Black Hawk know that finding the right security firm to protect you and your assets is a choice that should not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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